I love that God is ever present, I love that He see's all things and knows all things I never have to live in a spirit of fear. Because my life is in His hands, is yours. In the world today there are so many unanswered questions. And because of that there is crazy anxiety, fear and doubt. If you know the word of God, God puts an emphasis in His word to "Fear not" He also says this, "I will never leave you or forsake you", but you must know Him intimately. Many say Lord, Lord but they do not have a relationship with Him. In the relationship we are close to Him. When we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior giving Him rule over our lives, we in turn are given the Holy Spirit This Holy Spirit, becomes the comforter. The comforter brings a peace through allowing Gods word to settle into us. This settling brings peace, and a hope. I have a young friend that because he did not quite understand what was going on in the world today, was living in tremendous anxiety. I told him to pray and ask the Lord for peace. He walked up to me Sunday and said, " Pastor mark I had a dream, can you tell me what it means. I said I would. lol and then I prayed for God to give me insight into what this young man had seen. As He told me he said, " I saw Jesus standing in front of me, around His neck was a necklace with 3 keys. Standing next to me where my two grandmother's. I couldn't make them out , but they were wearing white bathrobe's ( I love children's descriptions.) But I could feel the comfort they gave me. As he spoke the Holy Spirit says The Lord holds all authority, over all things. But then I referenced Matt 16:19 as well. I said to him how did you feel after this dream. His remark was "at peace" you see He understood who is the one that brings peace, and holds all things in His hand. Do you know who is in absolute control today. Even in the midst of chaos, and battle the Lord is still in control and He has a perfect plan, with a perfect provision, that will have a perfect purpose.
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